Friday, June 11, 2010


     Hey friends and family! James and I are happy to announce that we are expecting a baby! I know a lot of people’s comments have been “Wow, y’all didn’t waste any time.”  We weren’t planning on talking kids for another couple years but as they say, “Want to hear God laugh? Tell him your plans”.  So, after our wedding on March 13, here we are 3 months later and I’m 9 weeks and 6 days along.
     I had a friend who created a pregnancy blog (that later turned into a baby/family update blog). I thought it was a great idea to keep friends and family updated on things who were not in the area to see things as they come along.  Also, I don’t really want to be conceited enough to think everyone will rush to read all about us, but I want this to also be a record for the little one to have when he/she grows up. So, James and I are going to do our best to keep everyone updated on the happenings our new little one to be. 

     Baby Stats:  As of week 9, most vital organs are almost fully developed and on their way to functioning. The heart has fully divided into 4 sections and is pumping away.  Through the ultrasound, we heard (and saw!) a strong little heartbeat at 171.  Some people have told us that since this is on the fast end it must be a girl but, everyone has their own old wives tale they go by.  Speaking of, sexual organs are on their way to developing but we won’t be able to tell anything until weeks 16-20.  

Size: 1” (large green olive)
Weight: .07 oz.

Mommy stats:

Weight: +10 lbs from wedding date. No, its not baby weight.  I went on a diet for the wedding and afterward went back to bad habits.  Doctor says my weight is fine but losing a few lbs in the next month or so on a healthy diet wouldn’t do me any harm.

Baby bump: None (even though it kind of looks like I have one, its just fat).

Morning sickness: Thankfully none!  It seems I’m one of the lucky ones who won’t get morning sickness.  I do every once in a while get queasy but after sitting down and taking a few deep breaths I feel fine.  However, I’ve found that there are a few smells that make me absolutely sick. These include: boiled eggs, chicken noodle soup (I never liked it anyway) and parmesan cheese (I still use it just cause I love it so much but try not to breathe). 

Cravings: MEAT! I’m normally just not a huge meat person in general but lately I’ve just been craving meat, especially beef/BBQ.  I was really sad to hear that I’m apparently not allowed to eat deli meat or hotdogs unless they're hot, so no more turkey sandwiches for me (unless I make a hot turkey melt or something, which I’m really tempted to do since there are times I just feel a NEED for meat). Also, hotdogs are fabulous and a staple around the house lately. Peanut Butter Captain Crunch has also been good to me lately (sadly, no more for a while on my healthy diet).

Frequently Asked Questions:
How far along am I?  9 weeks, 6 days
When was he/she (I hate calling he/she an “it”) conceived?   According to my doctor, April 15
Due Date?    January 7, 2011
Do you hope it’s a boy or girl?    We really don’t care, as long as he/she is healthy.


I’ve been married to my best friend since March 13, 2010.  I had just graduated from college, she was about to do the same, and I felt like we were ready to tackle the impossible.  In May, just 2 month after being married, we found out that we had conceived one of the greatest blessings imaginable, a child.  I do admit, however, that after the initial “shock” of finding out, I knew that we were about to embark on a great adventure in the step of parenthood!
There is a great joy in just being with the love of your life, and knowing that you are expecting such an amazing thing and that in just nine short months (7 months now) we’d be holding this little person that God so graciously is going to give us.
 We told our parents this week after our first visit to the doctor. It was during this visit that it hit me that this is really happening.  We could see it, its tiny body, the size of a half dollar, forming inside of my wife.  It looked healthy, with a heart rate of 171.  I already love this child with all that I am, and my daily prayer is that God takes care of it and keeps the baby and my wife safe.
I, as a new dad, am scared to death! I know there are many that have been in my shoes, and hope that this blog can be a source of encouragement, not only for you as the reader, but for myself as well as I learn how to be a daddy.  I am thankful that I am always learning from the perfect Father, the Heavenly Father, to be my guide as I learn how to be the greatest dad ever!

“O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” 
                                                                                                                                 – Ps. 34:8
Because He Lives
“Daddy” James

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