Thursday, June 17, 2010

So, there was this one pregnancy book...

Hi bloggers! This is Daddy here.  This is going to be one of those rare occasions that I post a blog on my own (apart from our Wednesday updates), but JoAnna shared this review with me for the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and I could not help but laugh and wanted to share some of this guys review with you all for your amusement.  So without further ado, here it is: 

"Guys ... consider this a warning; this will be the worst book that your significant other can read and will make your life utterly miserable for the next nine months. It's been over four years since I had to deal with this serie's 3rd edition and I still can't stand the sight of it. 

I'll be blunt, WTEWYE seems to be an EXTREMELY popular gift for someone who's pregnant for the first time and it's probably unavoidable. I came into three copies without any effort at all. I'm not going to stand here and pretend I know of a better source for information either, because (outside of ... oh I don't know ... a doctor) I don't. All I know is that if THIS is the definitive volume on the pregnancy experience, then God help us all.

I absolutely guarantee you, someone your partner knows WILL buy this for her. Your mission is to "lose it." If you're already stuck with it and you can't hide it or burn it, at least do your best to temper its pages with as much perspective as you possibly can. Again, for a first-time mom-to-be, who, frankly, is probably a bit nervous anyway about all the changes her body is going through, all this volume is going to accomplish is completely freaking her out.

Batten down the hatches and break out the antacid my friends, it's gonna be a long nine months."

Thank you Ron Sullivan for posting this review.  I would appreciate it if you did not buy JoAnna this book, so I do not have to experience what this poor fellow seemed to have to endure. 

Thanks in advance.
James "Daddy" Davis

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hello all!
No new real “developments” this week for mommy. Still no morning sickness, still craving meat (especially beef), and still having queasy bouts.  I’ve semi-figured out what triggers these, although once in a while they do just pop up out of nowhere.  Anytime I get hot or am in a stuffy room, I break into a sweat. I mean, sweat literally rolling down my forehead, my skin feels like it’s on fire and my hair is damp. Following the sweats, my stomach all of the sudden drops and I feel a sudden urge to toss my cookies(anytime I say this phrase, I can’t help but think of that scene with Arnold Schwarzenegger in Twins, you know what I’m talking about). Most often I can quickly turn on the air and the living room fan, sit down and take a few breaths. Within 1 or 2 minutes I usually feel perfectly fine and ready to get back to whatever I was doing. 

Weight: +2 lbs.   Call it denial, but I’m just going to say this is due to water retention. Note to reduce sodium intake.
Waist: +1/2 in. Refer to my excuse above.

Even though there aren’t new developments for mommy, baby (or as my mom calls him/her, little Elvis or Pricilla) is quite busy! As of the beginning of week 10, he/she is no longer an embryo and is officially now a fetus! Most vital organs including the liver, kidneys, intestines and brain are functioning. Joints are developing so baby can move and bend elbows and knees. Also, tiny little fingers and toes are developed (no more webbing) and fingernails and toenails come in!

Size: 1.2” (size of a prune. Really people, we couldn’t come up with something better than a prune?)
Weight: .14 oz (double from last week!)

     Since we told everyone about our new family addition, we’ve gotten LOTS of advice, whether solicited or not.  Sometimes it’s helpful, sometime a bit odd and little too “personal”. Most of the time I just smile and nod. :D I thought in this week’s post I’d share some of the suggestions I’ve been given (sometimes conflicting) and you can chime in with your own thoughts.

While pregnant:
1. Don’t eat really spicy or salty foods. – Ok, I get the salty part, water retention stinks, but spicy food?

2. Don’t sleep on your back! –Uh, why?

3. Your breasts are probably really sore right now and have probably already gone up a at least ½ a cup size. Invest in a comfortable maternity bra NOW instead of later. – If I get a maternity bra now, won’t I just “grow” out of it in a few months anyway and have to buy a new one? Plus, honestly, since I am so sore all the time, I really only resort to bra wearing when there’s a risk of being seen by other people than my husband.

4. Buy maternity clothes second hand. You’re only going to wear it for a few months. Why pay for overpriced clothes when you can buy second hand clothes that, in reality the first owner only wore for a few months, will be in good condition.  – True, but I don’t really remember there being a “maternity” section in thrift stores unless I just wasn’t paying attention. Should I look in the XXL section or just go straight for the muumuus?

5. For gas issues, don’t eat greasy food, eat several small meals instead of large ones, and pop those Tums (they’re good for Calcium too!).  –So, here’s the thing.  The above piece of wisdom was from my doctor. I told her I was having some embarrassing issues with belching.  Now, this isn’t some little girly burp where I can giggle and say “excuse me”. This is like full on, the neighbors will hear, on a scale of 1-10 “11” sounding belches. There is no excuse for these burps and the bad part is, I can’t help it! I have no idea when they’re coming on so I can try to contain it or leave the room (it’s not like it couldn’t be heard from 3 rooms down with doors closed anyway) but it comes on with no warning. At first James’ response was “eww”. Oh please, like he hasn’t graced my presence with his various forms of gas before but apparently it’s just inappropriate when girls do it (love you honey). But, I guess he’s gotten used to it now and just ignores me. Back to the advise- Tums do seem to help some.

6. Don’t eat too many Tums(2 a day MAX).  All the calcium will give you kidney stones. – Really? My doctor didn’t mention this part. Tums or gas? Hmm….

So there’s some of the most interesting advice I’ve been given so far. However I still have some questions some of you might have some words of wisdom for.

A. My stomach feels bloated ALL the time, whether I’m starving or whether I just ate. Nothing seems to help. It’s not quite a “sick” feeling, just like I just drank a gallon of water. Any remedies you know of?

B. My nose is constantly stuffed up.  I thought at first it was allergies but I don’t have any of the accompanying symptoms such as sneezing or a scratchy throat. I looked it up and according to various internet sources; some women have stuffy noses their entire pregnancy because of high estrogen levels messing with various “membranes” in your body. I’m blowing my nose almost constantly but I’m not allowed to use Afrin or other intra-nasal (is that a word?) medications.  What the heck am I supposed to do?

If you have any advice for me or comments in general, please click on the comments tab at the bottom of this post and type away!  If you don’t have any of the listed accounts in the drop down menu, just select the “name/url” option and enter your name (no url necessary) or the “anonymous” tab.

Whew, I think that’s enough for this week. Today James bought me a pregnancy book that I heard was good called “Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth” by Jenny McCarthey.  Next week I’ll give you my review and probably more questions!  Do you know of any good pregnancy/parenting books that I should check out?

Thanks!  ~JoAnna~

Hi again, blog followers!
                We are successfully finding ourselves winding down week 10 and it is only 30 more weeks until the delivery of our little treasure.  We are going to take this week’s blog entry to discuss things that people/books are telling us about what to expect during the rest of JoAnna’s pregnancy. 


I told “the boys” (and girls!) at work (Logan’s Roadhouse) this week about the announcement of the soon-arrival of our child.  As expected, everyone was very excited.  It was not very long after making the announcement that advice (no matter if I wanted to hear it or not) began to roll in.  I will now take this opportunity to share a few of the (funnier) things that was given to me for advice/comments about what to expect.  However, the names have been withheld to protect the innocent:
1)      Listen to your spouse, especially when it deals with how she is feeling.  Even if you do not have a clue as to how to respond to what she is saying, just her knowing that you are listening and you care about what she is having to say will also go a long way.  It will set the tone for the remainder of her pregnancy and begin to make room for a happy wife.   Accommodate your spouse.  When she is hot, turn on the A/C! Turn on EVERY fan in your home, and fan her until she is back to herself.  She will thank you for this.
2)      Take vitamins:   According to this person, by taking a certain amount of vitamins daily will help with my “performance” and will help one last longer as it helps the blood flow more fluidly “down there” as I was told my wife may be requiring more “performances”.  Apparently hormones cause a wide variety of symptoms and urges for her. 
3)      Finally, (This is advice that I am offering personally and trying to exhibit myself).  Learn to have fun! This is a time to enjoy each other and learn new things about your spouse.  For one, my wife (sorry sweetie, I’ll get the guest bed ready) has developed a keen sensation of belching.  Something that I had never seen (or heard!) before.   According to books, this is common among pregnant women.  I learn something new every day.  However, to be perfectly honest, I truly love every moment of it. 

I am not trying to say with these three points that I have everything down.  I don’t (if you do not believe me, just ask my wife).  I would say to summarize my portion of this blog entry this week is that communication is so key and it is so very important.  I am learning that daily.  If you have anything to add, please comment and contribute further. 

‘Till next time folks.
God bless all of you
James “Daddy” Davis

Friday, June 11, 2010


     Hey friends and family! James and I are happy to announce that we are expecting a baby! I know a lot of people’s comments have been “Wow, y’all didn’t waste any time.”  We weren’t planning on talking kids for another couple years but as they say, “Want to hear God laugh? Tell him your plans”.  So, after our wedding on March 13, here we are 3 months later and I’m 9 weeks and 6 days along.
     I had a friend who created a pregnancy blog (that later turned into a baby/family update blog). I thought it was a great idea to keep friends and family updated on things who were not in the area to see things as they come along.  Also, I don’t really want to be conceited enough to think everyone will rush to read all about us, but I want this to also be a record for the little one to have when he/she grows up. So, James and I are going to do our best to keep everyone updated on the happenings our new little one to be. 

     Baby Stats:  As of week 9, most vital organs are almost fully developed and on their way to functioning. The heart has fully divided into 4 sections and is pumping away.  Through the ultrasound, we heard (and saw!) a strong little heartbeat at 171.  Some people have told us that since this is on the fast end it must be a girl but, everyone has their own old wives tale they go by.  Speaking of, sexual organs are on their way to developing but we won’t be able to tell anything until weeks 16-20.  

Size: 1” (large green olive)
Weight: .07 oz.

Mommy stats:

Weight: +10 lbs from wedding date. No, its not baby weight.  I went on a diet for the wedding and afterward went back to bad habits.  Doctor says my weight is fine but losing a few lbs in the next month or so on a healthy diet wouldn’t do me any harm.

Baby bump: None (even though it kind of looks like I have one, its just fat).

Morning sickness: Thankfully none!  It seems I’m one of the lucky ones who won’t get morning sickness.  I do every once in a while get queasy but after sitting down and taking a few deep breaths I feel fine.  However, I’ve found that there are a few smells that make me absolutely sick. These include: boiled eggs, chicken noodle soup (I never liked it anyway) and parmesan cheese (I still use it just cause I love it so much but try not to breathe). 

Cravings: MEAT! I’m normally just not a huge meat person in general but lately I’ve just been craving meat, especially beef/BBQ.  I was really sad to hear that I’m apparently not allowed to eat deli meat or hotdogs unless they're hot, so no more turkey sandwiches for me (unless I make a hot turkey melt or something, which I’m really tempted to do since there are times I just feel a NEED for meat). Also, hotdogs are fabulous and a staple around the house lately. Peanut Butter Captain Crunch has also been good to me lately (sadly, no more for a while on my healthy diet).

Frequently Asked Questions:
How far along am I?  9 weeks, 6 days
When was he/she (I hate calling he/she an “it”) conceived?   According to my doctor, April 15
Due Date?    January 7, 2011
Do you hope it’s a boy or girl?    We really don’t care, as long as he/she is healthy.


I’ve been married to my best friend since March 13, 2010.  I had just graduated from college, she was about to do the same, and I felt like we were ready to tackle the impossible.  In May, just 2 month after being married, we found out that we had conceived one of the greatest blessings imaginable, a child.  I do admit, however, that after the initial “shock” of finding out, I knew that we were about to embark on a great adventure in the step of parenthood!
There is a great joy in just being with the love of your life, and knowing that you are expecting such an amazing thing and that in just nine short months (7 months now) we’d be holding this little person that God so graciously is going to give us.
 We told our parents this week after our first visit to the doctor. It was during this visit that it hit me that this is really happening.  We could see it, its tiny body, the size of a half dollar, forming inside of my wife.  It looked healthy, with a heart rate of 171.  I already love this child with all that I am, and my daily prayer is that God takes care of it and keeps the baby and my wife safe.
I, as a new dad, am scared to death! I know there are many that have been in my shoes, and hope that this blog can be a source of encouragement, not only for you as the reader, but for myself as well as I learn how to be a daddy.  I am thankful that I am always learning from the perfect Father, the Heavenly Father, to be my guide as I learn how to be the greatest dad ever!

“O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” 
                                                                                                                                 – Ps. 34:8
Because He Lives
“Daddy” James

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good times

oh the times they are a changin'....